Background Checks

Background Checks

Making informed decisions about hiring, investments, financial transactions, taking on a new roommate or even dating may require extensive fact-finding and scrutiny of various parties. A simple precautionary step such as a background check can save both people and businesses from reputational risks, personnel conflicts, monetary losses and even litigation.

Experience has shown that the most effective due diligence occurs when investigators work with their clients to answer their questions, including but not limited to:

• Does my candidate or business associate have a criminal record?
• Is my potential candidate or business partner involved in any civil litigation or bankruptcy proceedings?
• What’s the professional reputation of a potential new hire? 
• Is my hiring candidate or business partner referenced in any social media or other online forums that could prove embarrassing or damage our firm’s reputation?
• Do they have any outstanding judgments or liens?
• Did they receive degrees or work at the places that they claim
• Have my hiring candidates with professional licenses ever been subject to disciplinary actions?

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